Australia’s Director Identification Number (DIN) regime came into effect on 1 November 2021, as you are a director of a company, you are required to register. You only need to apply for one Director ID no matter how many companies you are a director of.
Who needs a director ID?
All directors of a company, registered Australian body, registered foreign company or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation will need a director ID. This includes directors of a corporate trustee of self-managed super funds (SMSF) and trusts.
A director ID is a 15 digit identifier that, once issued, will remain with you for life regardless of whether you stop being a director, change companies, change your name or move overseas.
How to apply for your director ID
Step 1: Verify identity with MyGovID
If you already have a MyGovID – go to Step 2
If you don’t have a MyGovID follow these steps
TIP – if your Identity Strength is set to Strong, you will be able to take a shortcut at step 2
Step 2: Apply for DIN
Set up your Director Identification Number here – have your TFN and residential address ready (you will be asked to log in with your MyGovID)
Note If your MyGovID is not set to Strong you will also need to gather documents to verify your identity. Some of the items requested will be available to you via our client portal here. For example, bank account details will be listed on the front page of your tax return. An ATO Notice of Assessment will have a document reference that can be used. If you need further assistance with this step please contact our office on 07 3394 2311.
Step 3: Email Hoffman Kelly your DIN
Advise Hoffman Kelly what your Director ID is by sending is an email here
Hoffman Kelly is here to help you with any information on successfully obtaining your director ID. Please feel free to contact us by phoning 07 3394 2311 if you require any assistance.